The History of Fort Bend Community Church
Fort Bend Community Church (FBCC) started in 1997 as a church plant from Houston Chinese Church. Since then God has grown our church from the original 222 people who started the church to over 1800 people.
This website outlines the history of FBCC and all that God has done in and through this church. During our 20th anniversary, we documented our history as a way to encourage our members and the people in our community, and give glory to God.
Our hope is that through reflecting on FBCC's history, you will be encouraged and inspired to "pursue the heart of God by making disciples locally and globally to reach all people for Christ", which is FBCC's mission.
這個網頁簡述了FBCC的歷史,以及主怎麼樣通過FBCC展示福音。在我們二十週年慶祝中, 我們通過紀錄教會的歷史來鼓勵我們的會眾,把榮譽歸給上帝。
Fort Bend Community Church (FBCC) started in 1997 as a church plant from Houston Chinese Church. Since then God has grown our church from the original 222 people who started the church to over 1800 people.
This website outlines the history of FBCC and all that God has done in and through this church. During our 20th anniversary, we documented our history as a way to encourage our members and the people in our community, and give glory to God.
Our hope is that through reflecting on FBCC's history, you will be encouraged and inspired to "pursue the heart of God by making disciples locally and globally to reach all people for Christ", which is FBCC's mission.

這個網頁簡述了FBCC的歷史,以及主怎麼樣通過FBCC展示福音。在我們二十週年慶祝中, 我們通過紀錄教會的歷史來鼓勵我們的會眾,把榮譽歸給上帝。